CD by Bill DeGennaro was released at the 2005 NAMM show
in Los Angeles! This fantastic sounding collection of songs will appeal to many people with different tastes in music. You'll love what a great rock & roll singer Bill is, a real compliment to his super-sounding handmade guitars! Bill sings and plays the guitar, mandolin and bass parts, his son John plays electric on a few songs and the drums are played by Kjell. The music style is bluesy rock & roll and acoustic ballads (even some bluegrassy stuff) and it's definately original. The subject matter ranges from love and family to social issues and politics. With variety and talent, we know that you'll like this one. This professionally recorded and packaged album comes shrinkwrapped and shipped safely in a cardboard container. It is available for purchase here or through other retailers, so keep checking the site for info. If you are interested in multiple copies for retail sale then send us an email for bulk pricing. "SOME PEOPLE" song list:
Price: $10
Shipping USA: $6
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Shipping Europe: $13
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